Friday, May 15, 2009

Welcome to A Thought for Today by Ev!

Hi, and welcome! My name is Evelyn Noweder (I sign everything "Ev"). I am a 54-year-old grandmother, a Christian, and a lover of God and His Word. I have a rather unique background, especially in that I was married for 23 years to a Muslim and lived for six years in Amman, Jordan, where two of my sons were born. I currently live in the Phoenix, Arizona area, but have not yet acclimated to the 3-digit summers and the desert landscape. Oh, don't get me wrong, I love the mountains, the sunsets, and the amazing skies, I just miss the green grass, refreshing spring rains, the colors of fall, and hot chocolate on a frosty winter morning. (I'm originally from the Chicagoland area.) So, why am I in Arizona you might well ask, and thank you for asking, I moved here two years ago with my oldest son, Amir, his family, and my youngest son, Leith. I guess in my book, family comes before green grass, etc.

Well, let me introduce my family. I have been divorced for the past 13 years or so, although I am still on good terms with my ex-husband and his wonderful family. My three wonderful, amazing sons are:

Amir (pronounced ah-mr, I misspelled his name in English when he was born - DOH!), is my oldest son, and he will be 30 this year. He is a Marine (already discharged from active duty), and what a good looking guy. He is married to a WONDERFUL BEAUTIFUL woman, who actually allows me to share a home with them!! God was so good to give me such a gracious and spectacular daughter[-in-law]) such as Dana (Oh, and everyone says we are so much alike. Hmmmm. Does that mean I am spectacular, too? LOL!!) Dana is an outgoing, loving, and very smart teacher. She also works with the youth group at church. Amir and Dana have 3-1/2 super-amazing, stupendous children:
  • Gabi, the teenager, who is so on fire for God and doesn't care who knows it. She is a leader in her youth group, a writer, an actress, and a singer!! WOW!
  • AJ, who is in 2nd grade is so full of life and questions and answers and energy and charm!!! He is constantly on the move, full of life.
  • Alexander, is nearly 2 years old, a little football player in the making, so cute and smart and funny and sweet. He loves music and dancing, and it is so fun watching him learn new words daily!
  • Olivia Rose (or ??), we're not quite sure at this point as the baby is still in the early stage of production. LOL! Dana is carrying their fourth baby - whom we are praying will be a little "Daddy's Girl," but we will be so thankful and full of praise for the baby God chooses to entrust to us
Eyad is 28-years-old, and hey, girls, he is single and very good looking. He lives in Amman, Jordan, where he works as a pilot for Royal Jordanian Airlines (RJ). Because of modern technology, we are able to keep in touch regularly, and his flights include Chicago, New York, and Detroit, so he is in the States quite often.

Leith is 24-years-old, and is also single and quite good looking. He's has a bit of the poet in him, and loves deep discussions. He has killer blue eyes. (Not that I'm matchmaking or anything. LOL!)

I am so very proud of my sons, my daughter(I-L) and my grandbabies. God could not have blessed me any more than He has!! Sometimes I stand in amazement at all that He has done for me and all that He has blessed me with.

Well, anyway, I have had a Yahoo! Group since 2004, through which I have sent out my thoughts and ideas and experiences. But, I think that it is time to move on to the next step, BLOGGING! As this is rather new for me, however, I hope you'll "be gentle."

Yes, I am one of those people who feels the need to write through their lives, AND who feels the need to make those writings available for all and sundry to read. Why you should want to read my life and my mental meanderings, I have no idea. Nevertheless, I have been told many times that my friends have been blessed by something I have written, so just in case there might be something of the Lord for you in all this, I will write.

All that being said, "Welcome to my Blog!" I pray that God will bless you and draw us all closer to Him as we journey this life together.

(Oh, BTW, I tend to post things without too much editing because once I get started, I find it very difficult to stop. I would never get anything posted if I edited it as much as I think it needs. Therefore, I would ask you to overlook the occasional misspelling. I really do know how to spell correctly.)



  1. Welcome to the blogging world, Ev! I think you'll find it's a great way to make LOTS of new friends. It takes a bit of time for people to find you and begin to add comments. But believe me, it will start. I see that you added Then Sings My Soul Saturdays. Memes like this are great because you add your blog link on the Mr. Linky and others will visit you. I have lots of tips for you too. I think what helped me most was adding comments to blogs in my niche. When I read about your background I thought of another blogger who lives in Saudi Arabia. She married a Jordanian but they are both Christian. I'll have to find her link and send it to you, Ev.

  2. Congratulations on your decision and welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!
