If God is not treasured as the ultimate gift of the gospel, none of His gifts will be gospel, good news. And if God is treasured as the supremely valuable gift of the gospel, then all the other lesser gifts will be enjoyed as well.
The gospel is not a way to get people to heaven; it is a way to get people to God.
Both of these quotes are from John Piper's book, God is the Gospel, which I mentioned in my previous 'thought.' And this is where I am heading. This is where I am going to take you as I work though these thoughts and ideas. The goal is God, Himself, Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit. The goal is HIM!
I must tell you that ever since I posted my previous thoughts, I have been fighting a battle in my mind. And I think you probably know how the battle was going just based on my parenthetical statements throughout the post. "Who do you think you are?" "What makes you think anyone cares about your ideas and thoughts?" Anyway, I'm here, and I am going to share my thoughts and feelings with whomever wants to read them.
Today, I just wanted to offer you a few quotes from John Piper's book because it is speaking so powerfully to my heart. My longing is to be a Mary! I know that there is work to be done; I know there is so much to learn. But, O, if my life is filled with one ministry activity after another; if I lead hundreds to Christ Jesus; if I feed and clothe the homeless, and yet I don't hear His voice; I don't see His face; I don't KNOW Him personally and dearly, then what is the point. If it isn't about a love relationship with God, then I really don't have much more than any non-Christian in a secular service organization, and I really don't have much more than they do to offer to the lost and dying world. Anyway, this is my heart tonight.
When God declares the omnipotent word of creation and '(shines) in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ,' the curtains are pulled back in the window of our Alpine chalet, and the morning sun, reflected off the Alps of Christ, fills the room with glory.
I want to see that glory more and more clearly! I want to share that glory with you. I want make disciples of Christ Jesus! I want us all to be followers who love Him and will give our all for Him!
Well, it is 9:17 p.m. and I am still sitting at my computer working (I'm waiting for files to be copied, which is why I had a moment to write this.) Please pray for me. My work is often so stressful and I am so overwhelmed that I can find neither the time nor the focus to share my life with you. I truly pray that as God gives me time, that I can be an encouragement to you, and that I may especially encourage you to seek the Lord with ALL your heart and soul and strength and mind. My wish is for you to get a glimpse of His glory that will give you such a longing for His presence that you cannot stop yourself from running hard after HIM. I want that for my life, an unending hunger and thirst for His nearness, for His palpable presence in my life.
All my love,
The One Thing that is our First Love!
Visit my other pages:
A Day in the Life:http://ev-dayinthelife.blogspot.com/
Bible Studies:http://ev-study.blogspot.com/
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