Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit, the Revelation of God

Jesus Christ - the Person of the Godhead in whom the glory of the Godhead is manifested, the complete and absolute revelation of all that God is.

All of God's conveyed words could only give us an outline of who He is and of whom we are and how we should serve Him.  Jesus brought life to that word; He gave it expression and made it tangible. So we were able to see in Him God's love, holiness, and power, as well as how those characteristics applied to us.  

And beyond this, when Christ returned to the Father, He sent the Helper to us.  Holy Spirit lives within us to continue Jesus Christ's work.  The Spirit brings the word of God to life, again, revealing God's love, holiness and power.  He continues to speak to our hearts and to lead us in understanding God and walking in His will.  

How personal and gracious God is that He would not just send His inspired word through His prophets.  God chose to take on flesh and blood to live among us, to taste our trials and our struggles, and reveal Himself personally.  In His flesh, He took on the sins of the world in His death to enable us to join Him in eternity.  Now, He tabernacles within us, sharing our very lives, encouraging us, leading us in His ways, and speaking to our hearts very personally.  The Spirit also breathes life upon the inspired word of God, helping us to see beyond the surface wording into the depths of mystery and power.

How could mere religion possibly compete even with libraries of 'holy books'?

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