Friday, May 6, 2011

Passionate Peter

OK, just came across a copy of the newsletter I created for Calvary Chapel in Lockport, IL, seven years ago. There is an article that I wrote and I thought I would share it with you.

In Luke 22:31-34, 55-62, we read the well-known story of Peter and his denial of Christ after he had declared that he would go with Jesus even unto death. I have often thought how rash and how impetuous Peter was. He wanted to walk on the water, he wanted to build the booths for Jesus, Moses, and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, and he was ready to drink of the cup that Jesus was to drink.

Nevertheless, I have come to see more to Peter. I believe that he truly did want to stand and to follow Jesus to death, but that his flesh was weak. "Lord, with You I am ready to go both to prison and to death."

The interesting thing is that Jesus knew how quickly Peter's flesh would take over. He knew that Peter would deny Him and even prepared him by telling him ahead of time.

When I look at Peter, I remember that although he often failed, he also was the one who most often stepped out, the one who wanted to follow, to believe completely! He made mistakes, he was weak, yet he was the one the Lord trusted to rally the others. He was the one who ran to the tomb, who swam to the shore, who was told to "Feed My sheep!"

Somehow Jesus saw something in Peter that we might miss. The problem with this is that we might also miss what it is He sees in us. We can get to the place of wanting to give up (And, oh boy, that is where I am right now) and to go off on our own because we see ourselves falling short where we expected we could stand.

The interesting thing is that Jesus knew Peter would deny Him and yet He still chose him to lead and to minister. When Peter gave up on himself, Jesus stood by him and restored him with love and gentleness.

Jesus knows all about you (and me). He has known since the beginning of time each time you would fall short of your desires to love and to serve Him. He is not disappointed, not surprised. He has chosen you and He will not give up on you.

Can't tell you how much I needed to hear that, to be reminded. I seem to lead such and up and down existence. One day I am on fire for God, so wrapped up in the wonder of Him and in His great love. The next day I am in a mud puddle of self-pity and distraction. UGH!! I hate this roller-coaster existence. But through it all I can remember that Jesus doesn't give up on me, He doesn't turn His back and walk away shaking His head in disappointment. He is still FOR ME.

Praise God for the wonder that He is!!! I hope this blesses you as it did me.


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