Monday, February 15, 2010

Knowing God

Oh, Wow!! I am currently in the process of copying my "Mini-Me Journal" (I know. It is weird.) over to a new book. So, things that had meant so much to me at the time but were forgotten are hitting me afresh. And, now the dilemma, what to share with you? Hmmmm.

I guess one of the first things to come my way after I wrote my previous Thought, was a quote by Albert Einstein:
"The only source of knowledge is experience."

Amazingly, after reading that quote, I opened Experiencing God to do my study for the evening, and the quote was a perfect introduction for the study. Here are some quotes from the study for that night:
"When people see something happen that only God can do, they come to know God."

"Our world is not seeing God because we are not attempting anything that only God can do."

"Let the world watch God at work, and He will attract people to Himself."

I guess it reinforces for me the thought that the only way to come to know God personally is to see and experience Him at work, to experience Him personally, to hear His voice for one's self. Any other way leads only to a superficial "knowing ABOUT" Him. .

Then, this morning I read an inspirational article that talked about the coming year being an "adventure." An adventure is definitely something that includes surprises and unanticipated twists and turns. There may be unexpected obstacles and forks in the road. If we are going to navigate the year ahead (and those that follow), we MUST recognize the voice of our Shepherd. We MUST KNOW Him!! Reading about Him in the Bible, hearing about Him in a sermon, watching a movie on His life won't be enough. We must KNOW Him personally! We must KNOW Him well enough to trust Him when the way before us is clouded in the mist of suffering and confusion. We must KNOW Him well enough that we will step off the shore when He calls us to walk on the water. We must recognize HIS voice from the midst of the babble of the world and our own confusing thoughts and fears and desires.

Are you ready for the adventure that lies ahead? Can you hear Him calling to you? And, when you reach out to others with the reality of Christ Jesus, are you telling them ABOUT Him, giving them descriptions and quoting Scriptures about Him? Or, are you allowing them to see God doing something in your life that only He can do? Are you letting the world watch God at work in and through you so that they can come to know Him by experience? I'm asking myself the same questions.


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