Saturday, March 9, 2019

The Crisis of Our Times -- Insurgence by Frank Viola

As I write these words, the Christian faith is in crisis.  The impact that the body of Christ has on the world is meager.

The reason for much of this problem has to do with an insipid allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ among Christians and a profound misunderstanding of His Kingdom.  In fact, I'm convinced that our understanding of "allegiance" to Jesus is warped at best.

By and large, Christians seem to fall into one of two camps when it comes to following Jesus.
Camp 1 consists of those whose relationship to Jesus is understood to be an allegiance to external rule-keeping. These people may not realize it, but they are in bondage to religious duty and obligation.
Now then, why do you try to test God by putting on the necks of Gentiles a yoke that neither we nor our ancestors have been able to bear? (Acts 15:10 NIV)
Camp 2 consists of those whose relationship to Jesus is understood to be a supplement to their already busy lives. Believing in Jesus makes them feel a little happier and helps them deal with sad days. But Jesus isn't really central to their lives. These people may not realize it, but they are in bondage to their own desires.
So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. (Revelation 3:16 NIV)
It's rare to find a Christian today who doesn't fit into these two camps. Yet they do exist. And my hope is that with the release of this book, their tribe will increase.

The tribe I'm describing--this third camp--is made up of those whose relationship to Jesus Christ is not motivated by guilt, condemnation, shame, religious duty, the fear of hell, or the hope of heaven. Rather, it's motivated by the compelling sight of the glorious Person of Christ and the irresistible power of His Kingdom.
 Insurgence by Frank Viola

I am so loving this book.  My life has become so very blah and isolated.  My relationship with God has become a little distant, maybe more than a little.

I long for the faith of those first-century Christians, the faith that enabled them to turn the world upside down.  The faith that is based on the Person of Christ Jesus and the glory of the Godhead, rather than on religion, religious behaviors, or just lip-service.  I long to be so enraptured by God that my life is a burning flame of faith, love, and glory, a flame that will rescue the walking dead we live among. 

Holy Spirit, I ask for Your transforming work in my life!  I ask for a powerful transformation that will turn my life upside down!

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