Sunday, October 30, 2016
How Shall I Know?
At least I have found it to be so.
Perhaps you will not feel that way until you have handled the Word, until you have spent time in it, digging for truth. When you do, you will find it to be so solid and true, so deep and glorious, so amazing that you will know you can count on it. It will be more true to you than the air you breathe or the ground you stand upon.
I am not saying that I have handled the Word so much more than everyone else. Just saying that for me, the years of seeking His face in His Word have given me a sureity of His love, His power, His truth, and His goodness. Oh, how I love Him and how I love His Word!!
Love and blessings to any who read this!
Saturday, October 29, 2016
God's Nature/Character
God's nature/character is not at all what the world or even most of us Christians imagine Him to be.
* Supreme over all - able and active in the world
* Bringing down the proud, greedy, self-important, power-hungry
* Raising up, satisfying, sustaining, 'seeing' (noticing) the lowly, humble and needy, the 'nobodies'
* Merciful - not only wanting to forgive, to help, to heal, but providing the legal means to deal with sin in order to be merciful without being unjust
* He speaks - not some distant, unknowable deity who remains invisible, untouchable, impersonal. He speaks in personal words, whispers, stories, songs, love songs; sometimes warnings and discipline, but always personal.
* Pleasing Him is not entirely about living a 'godly' lifestyle or doing great deeds/making great sacrifices. His will for us is that we would KNOW Him. It is about listening to His heart and doing what He says because we love Him. He wants us to know and love Him personally.
* He wants us to see more clearly and to better understand the realities of life, the true values, the real weights and measures, what is really important, what really matters.