Tuesday, December 28, 2010
A Special Hatred
The assault on femininity-its long history, its utter viciousness-cannot be understood apart from the spiritual forces of evil we are warned against in the Scriptures. This is not to say that men (and women, for they, too, assault women) have no accountability in their treatment of women. Not at all. It is simply to say that no explanation for the assault upon Eve and her daughters is sufficient unless it opens our eyes to the Prince of Darkness and his special hatred of femininity.
Turn your attention again to the events that took place in the Garden of Eden. Notice-who does the Evil One go after? Who does Satan single out for his move against the human race? He could have chosen Adam . . . but he didn't. Satan went after Eve. He set his sights on her. Have you ever wondered why? It might have been that he, like any predator, chose what he believed to be the weaker of the two. There is some truth to that. He is utterly ruthless. But we believe there is more. Why does Satan make Eve the focus of his assault on humanity?
Because she is captivating, uniquely glorious, and he cannot be. She is the incarnation of the Beauty of God. More than anything else in all creation, she embodies the glory of God. She allures the world to God. He hates it with a jealousy we can only imagine.
And there is more. The Evil One also hates Eve because she gives life. Women give birth, not men. Women nourish life. And they also bring life into the world soulfully, relationally, spiritually-in everything they touch. Satan is a murderer from the beginning (John 8:44). He brings death. His is a kingdom of death. And thus Eve is his greatest human threat, for she brings life. She is a lifesaver and a lifegiver. Eve means "life" or "life-producer."
Put those two things together-that Eve incarnates the Beauty of God and she gives life to the world. His bitter heart cannot bear it. He assaults her with a special hatred. Do you begin to see it?
(Captivating , John and Stasi Eldredge 82-85)
I was reading this email devotional this morning, and it made me once again stop and think "Why would Satan have a particular hatred for women?" I mean, the author does make some pretty good points above, but there is still that within me that thinks, "Ah, here is the world's view of feminism creeping in on our faith." (The funny [or not so funny] thing is that I have taught from this book.) Our 'traditional' Christian roots seem to be so 'male' dominated and Eve has been ridiculed for so long that to think otherwise seems sacriligious.
So, because my mind always looks for the spiritual illustration of truth, I tried to find a reason for Eve to be a particular target. I believe I have my answer, and my answer for Eve's strengths and weaknesses. I thought of Eve as representing the bride for the first Adam, just as the church is the bride for the last Adam, and I immediately saw why she became the target for the evil one.
If we think of it in those terms, by attacking Eve, not only has the evil one indirectly attacked Adam in this move, but he also has hit at the amazing work and purposes of God in the creation. But if you think of it, in attacking Eve, he also has done more to wound the heart of Adam than he would have by attacking Adam himself. (Hope that convuluted reasoning makes sense.)
I guess I can best express it in the spiritual sense. Satan cannot and does not attack God in Christ Jesus directly, rather he sets his sights on the object of His affections, the church. As Satan comes against the church to wound, pervert, and disable her, not only does he interfere in the workings of God's purposes, but he also strikes at the very object of Christ's deep affection!!
When I look at Eve in this light, it is so much easier to see her in the light she is presented in the book 'Captivating.' And it helps me to better appreciate the role I play in this battle. I am both a combatant and a target. Maybe I need to get up, take up my armor, make my stand, and fight back.
Merry Christmas and have a wonderful victorious new year!!!!
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